Green Fintech Miniseries

The Green Fintech Miniseries is the first of 10x1000’s new ‘miniseries’ formats focused on specific domains and fields which are critical to the digital economy. This program is a deep dive on the role of fintech and financial services in creating a green and more sustainable future. We’ll cover theory, case studies and solutions in 3 unique video lessons with global experts. Don’t miss out on your chance to learn the latest insights on green and sustainability!

What you'll learn

  • A holistic overview of the financial system and how key players come together within the fields of green and sustainability, including a full introduction to green financial products and services.
  • A deep dive on how green finance is reshaping key industries such as agriculture, transportation & built environment, including future outlooks and practical case studies such as how an ESG registry leverages IoT, data analytics, blockchain and certification to drive sustainability.
  • Best practices on creating a green fintech solution, including product design, technology, partnership and more explained through the real case study of Ant Forest, a green mini program within the Alipay app that has encouraged more than 650 million people to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

For more details and to register, kindly click the LINK