Getting Started In Responsible Banking

  • Beginner Level
  • Online Study at your own pace
  • 10-15 hours

Getting Started in Responsible Banking is the PRB Academy’s introductory course. It is aimed at all bank employees who would like to learn more about the Principles and practice of responsible banking so that they can support implementation of their bank’s strategy, serve their customers well, and reflect on what they personally can do to contribute to a more responsible banking profession and support the transition to a more sustainable world.

For details and registration, kindly click on the LINK

Climate Change

  • Specialist Level
  • Online study at your own pace
  • 10-15 hours

Set within the context of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), a framework for ensuring that banks’ strategies, activities and operations align with society’s goals as expressed in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement, the aim of this course is to raise your awareness and knowledge of climate change, the impact that climate change has on society and banks, the impact that society and banks have on climate change, and of the PRB which provide a framework for ensuring that banks’ strategies, activities and operations align with society’s goals – including the management of climate change - as expressed in the UN SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as other international agreements.

For details and registration, kindly click on the LINK

Clients And Customers

  • Specialist Level
  • Online study at your own pace
  • 10-15 hours

Set within the context of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), a framework for ensuring that banks’ strategies, activities and operations align with society’s goals as expressed in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement, the aim of this course is to raise your awareness and knowledge of sustainability, what it means to be a responsible bank, and how you can encourage and support your clients and customers to take responsibility for understanding their positive impacts and limiting their negative impacts on the environment and society; and how the PRB provide a framework for ensuring that banks’ strategies, activities and operations align with society’s goals as expressed in the UN SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement.

For details and registration, kindly click on the LINK

Responsible Banking For Board Members And Executives

  • Executive Level
  •  8-10 Hours
  •  Online study at your own pace

Responsible Banking for Board Members and Executives has been designed for those working at the higher levels of the banking world. Those with the power to make high-impact decisions hold a unique position in our collective journey towards responsible banking on a global scale.

For details and registration, kindly click on the LINK