DIFC Academy
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This course will enable the attendees to understand the legal frameworks around Real estate, discuss land acquisition, transfers and issues related to it and finally understand Real Estate due diligence, joint development agreements and issues to prevent.


The Real Estate Law Master Class is a collaboration between DIFC AOL, LexisNexis and BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem & Associates LLP. This Real Estate Law course brings to life the color and law of real estate in day-to-day settings. With a reference to a wide selection of case law, this course will enable you to recognise, solve, and prevent legal issues.


This course will enable the attendees to understand the legal frameworks around Real estate, discuss land acquisition, transfers and issues related to it and finally understand Real Estate due diligence, joint development agreements and issues to prevent.

Real Estate Law (20 and 27 February 2018)
Feb 20, 2018 5:00 PM -To- Oct 04, 2024 1:30 PM

Real Estate Law (20 and 27 February 2018)

In association with Lexis Nexis Middle East

2 CLPD Accredited
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