DIFC Academy

DIFC Academy and 3 Verulam Buildings is proud to announce the course on Law Relating to Application of DIFC Laws and Law on the Application of Civil & Commercial Laws in the DIFC.

Law Relating to Application of DIFC Laws and Law on the Application of Civil & Commercial Laws in the DIFC - 800.00 AED
From : 19 Jan 2023 12:00 PM || To : 19 Jan 2023 02:00 PM
Mode of delivery : Online Learning

In this course, two of the leading DIFC practitioners will give an overview of these foundational DIFC statutes. The course will explain the background to the Law Relating to the Application of DIFC Laws and cover its role in resolving disputes about the applicable law in proceedings brought before the DIFC courts. The course will also address the Law on the Application of Civil & Commercial Laws in the DIFC and explain the debate on the function of the controversial ‘waterfall’ provision’ by reference to the latest DIFC authorities.

Legal professionals who are registered with DLAD (Dubai Legal Affairs Department) and DIFC Courts will earn DIFC Mandatory 2 Points by attending this course.

This is an online session through the GoToWebinar platform.



Tom Montagu-Smith KC

Barrister - 3 Verulam Buildings


Matthew Watson

Barrister - 3 Verulam Buildings

Law Relating to Application of DIFC Laws and Law on the Application of Civil & Commercial Laws in the DIFC
Jan 19, 2023 12:00 PM -To- Jan 19, 2023 2:00 PM

Law Relating to Application of DIFC Laws and Law on the Application of Civil & Commercial Laws in the DIFC

In association with 3 Verulam Buildings

2 Points DIFC Mandatory
Register your interest

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