DIFC Academy
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DIFC Academy is proud to partner Chartered Banker Institute in offering the Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance. We are delighted to announce the launch of this global benchmark qualification.

Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance - 2,945.20 AED
Mode of delivery : Online Learning

Updated for 2023, the Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance is a global, benchmark qualification which aims to develop the learner’s knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the key principles and core practice of green and sustainable finance.

·        No entry requirements

·        12-unit programme that can be completed in as little 12 weeks

·        Suitable for all financial services professionals globally who wish to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and expertise of green and sustainable finance.

·        Includes guided self-study supported by a wide range of interactive e-learning units and knowledge checks

The specific aims of the Certificate are to increase the learner’s knowledge and understanding of: climate change and its impacts; climate risks and emerging environmental and sustainability risks; the evolution of green and sustainable products and services in the banking, investment and insurance sectors; and, increasing awareness of the role of the finance sector and finance professionals in supporting the transition to a low-carbon world.

The syllabus covers: 

·        What is meant by ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ finance, the key factors that underpin the science of climate change, and the ways in which the finance sector can support the transition to a sustainable, low carbon economy 

·        Explains the role of a range of key players and policy and regulatory frameworks in aligning finance with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the importance of monitoring, measuring and reporting impacts, outcomes, alignment and flows of finance 

·        Examines the nature and importance of key climate, environmental and emerging sustainability risks, and how these may be managed 

·        Describes how different types of financial services strategies, activities, products and services (including banking, investment and insurance) can support the development of green and sustainable finance, the transition to a low-carbon economy, and the quality and functioning of the natural environment and natural systems 

·        Describes the role of financial technology in supporting the growth of green and sustainable finance 

·        Explains the steps that regulators, policymakers, institutions, organisations and Green and Sustainable Finance Professionals can take to support the mainstreaming of green and sustainable finance.

The Chartered Banker Institute is a global professional education body for bankers, based in the UK.  Established by Royal Charter, we are a not-for-profit educational charity with a mission to enhance and sustain socially purposeful, responsible, professional banking in the public interest. They do this by developing and supporting bankers’ education and professional development throughout their careers, in particular in the areas of:

  • Core banking skills, including credit and lending, and risk management
  • Professional ethics, culture and conduct
  • Digital finance
  • Green and sustainable finance, aligned with the UN Principles for Responsible Banking and UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Bank management and leadership
Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance

Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance

In association with Chartered Banker Institute (CBI)

Total - 2945.2 AED
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