DIFC Academy
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DIFC Academy in collaboration with Georgetown University Dubai proudly presents a workshop on strategic negotiations on November 13, 2024.

In a world full of stakeholders with conflicting interests and priorities, negotiation capacity is one of the most critical skills for an effective leader.  Research suggests that 80% of executives leave value in the negotiation table; this happens because negotiations are often viewed as tactical zero-sum power and persuasion exercises.  To realize the maximum potential in negotiations a change in the paradigm, a change of mindset, is required. 
At its core, a negotiation is a problem that requires a solution, and a successful negotiation happens through cooperation between two or more parties.  By viewing negotiations through a problem-solving lens, executives can optimize outcomes of the negotiation. In this masterclass participants will learn a new integrated approach to negotiation and acquire visual tools that incorporate the three-dimensional architecture (strategic, creative, and tactical) of negotiations which will help them optimize negotiation results.
13 November 2024 (Wednesday)
9:00AM - 11:00AM GST
Level 3 Auditorium 3 at DIFC Academy campus - Gate Village 2


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