DIFC Academy
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DIFC Academy in partnership with the Chartered Banker Institute and the UN Principles of Responsible Banking Academy proudly presents you "Banks and Bankers Can Save the World! The Principles and Practice of Green & Sustainable Finance in 2024"

Following the successful COP 28 climate summit hosted in Dubai in December, green and sustainable finance is a priority for financial institutions in the UAE and surrounding region.  The DIFC itself launched the Sustainable Finance Catalyst, with a commitment to deploy $100bn of sustainable finance by 2030 and to train 1 million sustainability leaders by the same date.  The DIFC Academy are supporting this ambitious initiative with a suite of COP 28 legacy training to upskill finance professionals in green and sustainable finance, in partnership with knowledge leaders in the field including the Chartered Banker Institute. 


This first event is a chance to find out more about the fundamentals of green and sustainable finance, what to expect in the year ahead and how the DIFC Academy and Chartered Banker Institute can support you and your colleagues with your professional learning.  


Simon Thompson is Chief Executive of the Chartered Banker Institute, the oldest professional body of bankers in the world with more than 35,000 members worldwide.  He is a founder of the Principles for Responsible Banking Academy in partnership with UNEP FI (https://prbacademy.com) which builds the capacity and capabilities of financial institutions to align their  strategies, operations and activities with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

Simon is the author of Green & Sustainable Finance: Principles and Practice, published by Kogan Page (www.koganpage.com/product/principles-and-practice-of-green-finance-9781789664546 – 2nd edition published in March 2023).  He chairs the UK’s Sustainable Finance Education Charter on behalf of the Department for Net Zero and Energy Security and is a Board member of the UK’s Financial Services Skills Commission (FSSC). Simon is a former Vice President of the European Bank Training Network. 

Simon is a Fellow of the Chartered Banker Institute and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.  He was awarded Honorary Doctorates by Bangor University (2022) and BPP University (2015) for his contribution to banking, business and education. 


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