DIFC Academy
The Professional Development Series is the first ever initiative of the academy to bring together professionals in an event comprising of sessions that are CLPD and CPD accredited.
CLPD (Continuing Legal Professional Development) courses are requirements from the Dubai Legal Affairs Department (DLAD) for practitioners/lawyers practicing in Dubai.
CPD (Continuing Professional Development) courses are learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. CPD is a holistic approach towards the enhancement of personal skills and proficiency throughout a professional’s career.
Effective professional development helps you keep your skills and knowledge up to date and prepare you for greater responsibilities. It can boost your confidence, strengthen your professional credibility and help you become more creative in tackling new challenges.
Don't miss this opportunity to develop your skill set and advance your career. Click the courses below to find out more and to register.

CLPD (Continuing Legal Professional Development) Courses

CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Courses

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